3 cups 100% fruit juice
1 (2 – liter) bottle of seltzer water*


1 gallon pitcher or 12 ounce cups
Large spoon (for stirring)


  1. Wash hands with soap and warm water.
  2. In a 12 ounce cup or larger with ice, pour 1/4 cup (just a splash!) of 100% fruit juice and 3/4 cup (fill it up to the top!) of seltzer water.

*Seltzer water is just carbonated water. There’s no added sugar or salt like in tonic water and club soda. Be sure to read the ingredients list to make sure you’re buying carbonated water.

Mix It Up!

  • Change the recipe by using any 100% fruit juice your family enjoys!
  • Give any of these a try:
    • Cranberry-raspberry
    • Apple
    • Grape
    • Tropical blends
    • Orange juice

EPIC Recipe spritzer