Community Resources
Food Security
- Farmers Market Nutrition Program (FMNP)
- The Farmers Market Nutrition Program, or FMNP, provides $30 in farmers’ market vouchers to WIC families and seniors over the age of 60 who participate in CSFP. To learn more, click here.
- Double Up on Food Bucks
- For a list of locations and more information, click here.
- Summer Food Service Program (SFSP)
- For more information click here.
- Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)
- WIC provides supplemental nutrition assistance and other support services for women and children under the age of 5 years old.
- Virtual appointments are now available for eligibility consultations.
- AZ Hunger Hotline:
- AZ Hunger Hotline can be reached at 602-528-3434 or 1-800-445-1914.
- Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP):
- For more information or to apply click here.
- Free Grocery Delivery for Seniors: Pima Council On Aging is offering grocery shopping services for seniors who would like to reduce their exposure. To qualify for the program, you must be: A City of Tucson or City of South Tucson resident, over 60 years of age, and make less than $25,520 per person per year. If you’re in need of service, call the PCOA Helpline at (520) 790-7262 or email
- South Tucson Community Outreach is currently providing free groceries to anyone facing food insecurity in the south side of Tucson. For more information on how to request groceries, donate or volunteer visit or call 520-200-8869.
- Places to find free meals for Tucson children
- Tucson Unified, Sunnyside, Flowing Wells, Catalina Foothills and other districts. Click here for more information.
- Step by Step Guide: How to Apply for Unemployment
- Follow this step by step guide here
- Health-E-Arizona Plus Family Benefits
- Apply for food & medical coverage, benefits, and other services here.
- Arizona Together: Info to help with applying for unemployment, applying for AHCCCS, resources for food, healthcare, childcare; help for renters, utilities, internet services and more.
- Financial resources
- Child Care Checklist: The Pima County Health Department has helped develop the Child Care Checklist that will help parents ask the right questions and know what to look for from their child care provider. Download and print the Child Care Checklist: English:; Spanish:; Mobile-friendly:
Community Gardens
- Gardening Hour at The Garden Kitchen
- Community Gardens of Tucson
- Tucson ToolBox: Borrow tools at no charge to complete your garden build-out projects
- Free Online Pima County Master Gardener Talks and Plant Clinic
- Pima County Seed Library: Welcome to the World of saving and Sharing Seeds
- Purdue University: a guide for community gardens
- Latest COVID19 guidelines from the CDC
- Low and no-cost ways to get your green on for mental health
- Forest Bathing – Connecting to Nature to Improve Health
- Diabetes Prevention Program
Physical Activity
- Fitness Classes From Your Computer—From Yoga to Barre to Cardio
- UActive Virtual Fitness Classes Offered From the University of Arizona Recreation Center
Youth Activities
- Cosmic Kids Yoga
- Fun Activities to do at Home to Keep Kids Entertained
- Free apps to help you and the kids get outside.
- Free WiFi and Technical Support Site: The State Library, in coordination with members of the Arizona Broadband Stakeholders Network, created this site to identify free wifi in the communities of Arizona.