The Garden Kitchen Team Building and Private Cooking Class

Private Classes | Menu of Services

Eat, Cook, Bond.

The Garden Kitchen private classes are the perfect blend of delicious food and fun interaction for a family gathering, a celebration with your friends, or the perfect way to encourage your group to work more seamlessly as a team.

The type of cuisine varies, but these classes all share a common mission: to empower everyone to feel more comfortable in the kitchen, encourage communication, and provide activities that unite your group. You will interact with just your group during your class and have the full attention of one of our knowledgeable instructors. So let’s get cooking!

We have two different class formats to choose from:

Demonstration: Designed as an observation class, participants watch while instructor explain and show recipe preparation and cooking techniques. Class is limited to a minimum of 12 and a maximum of 20 people.

Hands On: These are full participation classes. Students take part in practicing techniques and preparing the menu items. Hands-on classes are limited to a minimum of 12 and a maximum of 20 people. The knife skills class is limited to a minimum of 8 and maximum of 12 people.

Hands-on Knife Skills Class

In this hands-on class, you’ll hone basic knife skills and practice the fundamental cuts—mince, dice, brunoise, bâtonnet and julienne.  We’ll practice how to cut large food items like a head of cabbage, delicate herbs, and onions, with practically no tears!  We’ll also learn techniques for safety and keeping all your knives maintained and sharp. This is our most popular class, participants leave with the knowledge to be more effective and efficient at any recipe they make at home.

This class is three hours in length and includes a light Mexican style meal.  Participants take home food to cook for an additional meal too!

Minimum of 8 participants, Maximum of 12 participants


Hands on at The Garden Kitchen pasta class

Hands-on Pasta Making Class

During this hands-on class, students will learn how to make their own pasta by using a manual operated pasta machine. Small teams will make different types of pasta and cook a sauce to accompany their individual pasta creations.  Choose from a variety of different pastas and sauces, including: classic egg noodle pasta, mushroom and mascarpone cheese ravioli, seasonal pesto, classic tomato sauces, and more!

This class is three hours in length and includes a meal made from the dishes created.  Participants are encouraged to take leftovers home for an additional meal.

Minimum of 12 participants, Maximum of 20 participants


The Garden Kitchen - Sauces 101

Sauces 101

Sauces 101

Tap into your culinary curiosity and creativity as you learn how to make three classic mother sauces: Béchamel, Veloute, and Espagnole as well as ‘new’ mother sauces: herb sauce, yogurt sauce, and chili sauce and bone broth. During this hands-on class you will open a whole new world of culinary delights that can be added to your daily cooking as your group cooks: a béchamel and daughter mornay sauces for creamy and rich macaroni and cheese (with toppings bar), chimichurri and harissa with sautéed seasonal vegetables.

This class is three hours in length and includes a meal made from the dishes created.  Participants are encouraged to take leftovers home for an additional meal.

Minimum of 12 participants, Maximum of 20 participants


The Garden Kitchen - Sauces 101

Cooking Demonstration Classes

We can do a variety of demo classes for $30/person

Demo classes will be two hours

Minimum of 12 participants, maximum of 20.

Pasta and healthy sauces

Knife skills

Sauces 101

Healthy Brunch & sauté

More class menus are available depending on your group age, interest, and abilities.

Please contact us for more information, or reservations at 520 621-04-76 or email us at