


Join us for LECHUGA LIBRE, a super special Saturdays at The Garden Kitchen event on April 8th, featuring guest luchador Joey Ultra !  Meet a luchador  Learn some moves  Wrestling demo  Learn to make a super salad  Bring the whole fam!

The Happy Dance

The Happy Dance

Instructions: Ask participants to think of physical activities that make them “happy” or that they like to do. Ask them to make a movement for that activity that takes 8 counts to perform. Form a circle and put on the happy dance. Assign new leaders to lead their...

The Wobble

The Wobble

Instructions: Begin by shaking your hips to the beat, in order to feel the rhythm of the music. Take a step forward and wobble in place for four beats. The wobble is where the dance gets its name, and it merely refers to shaking your hips and shoulders to the beat,...

Cupid Shuffle

Cupid Shuffle

Instructions: Step to the right, close your left foot next to your right one Step to the right, close your left foot next to your right one Step to the right, close your left foot next to your right one Step to the right, close your left foot next to your right one...