Step to the right, close your left foot next to your right one
Step to the right, close your left foot next to your right one
Step to the right, close your left foot next to your right one
Step to the right, close your left foot next to your right one
Step to the left, close your right foot next to your left one
Step to the left, close your right foot next to your left one
Step to the left, close your right foot next to your left one
Step to the left, close your right foot next to your left one
Tap your right heel to the front
Bring your right foot in and close it next to your left one
Tap your left heel to the front
Bring your left foot in and close it next to your right one
Tap your right heel to the front
Bring your right foot in and close it next to your left one
Tap your left heel to the front
Bring your left foot in and close it next to your right one
Use your best moves on this final, turning, move:
Making a 90 degree turn to the left, march and shake your hips as you step from one foot to the other, back and forth, while you make the slow turn. This turn lasts eight counts, so make it special!