Wash hands with soap and warm water.
Spread beans on a tray to pick out and discard any small stones.
Transfer beans to a strainer and rinse.
Soak beans using either the Overnight or Quick-soak methods. (See side box.)
Drain beans, rinse briefly and return to pot.
Add all other ingredients to pot. Add enough fresh water to cover beans by about 2 inches.
Bring to a boil. Lower heat and simmer, uncovered until beans are tender, about 1 1/2 hours. Remove bay leaves.
Serve hot or cool and eat within one week. After cooling, beans can also be frozen for up to 1 month.
Cook’s Note: When recipes tell you to "soak beans for 8 hours or overnight," it doesn't have to be exact. We like to put beans to soak before work, then drain, rinse and cook them when we come home. Enjoy the beans for dinner, then cool and store the leftovers to eat later in the week!
Overnight-soak method
1. Place beans in a large pot, cover with a few inches of cold water and soak 8 hours or overnight.
Quick-soak method
1. Place sorted, rinsed beans in a large pot, cover with a few inches of cold water. Bring to a boil and boil 2 minutes.
2. Remove from heat, cover pot and let beans soak in pot of hot water for 1 hour.
Wash hands with soap and warm water.
Spread beans on a tray to pick out and discard any small stones.
Transfer beans to a strainer and rinse.
Soak beans using either the Overnight or Quick-soak methods. (See side box.)
Drain beans, rinse briefly and return to pot.
Add all other ingredients to pot. Add enough fresh water to cover beans by about 2 inches.
Bring to a boil. Lower heat and simmer, uncovered until beans are tender, about 1 1/2 hours. Remove bay leaves.
Serve hot or cool and eat within one week. After cooling, beans can also be frozen for up to 1 month.